The Great Snail Lasso

The GREAT big SNAIL was finally caught, ensnared by Sheriff LAMB’S lengthy LASSO!

-From Wordle Puzzle 3/17/2025

The Spoiled Taco Scowl

Oh, wow, that’s just GREAT
Now my taco is SPOILed
He said with a SCOWL

-From Wordle Puzzle 12/17/2024

Steam Steak

A really GREAT chef
Can cook a delicious STEAK
Using only STEAM

-From Wordle Puzzle 9/23/2024

Bugle Lunges!

There are two things that Harvey is GREAT at: doing LUNGEs and playing the BUGLE!

-From Wordle Puzzle 6/23/2024

Vapid Stripes

Don’t wear that old SHIRT
It wasn’t LINED very well
And it’s quite VAPID

-From Wordle Puzzle 4/26/2024

Overt Bro

“It would be GREAT if you could be a bit less OVERT, bro.” -This dude’s friends, probably

-From Wordle Puzzle 4/24/2024