When we got on one knee, and you told us “yes” /
It was the GREATest gift this we must confess /
Girl it got us RANDY seeing all four rings /
On your finger there made us feel like kings /
And you, our queen, the one we all adore/
Now see five PAIRS of undies mixed up on the floor /
It takes some VALOR to be with all of us /
Our unconventional love is so adventurous /
We must all have done good in our former lives /
All the good KARMA upon which our love thrives /
Now MARCH down the aisle to your Bonehead grooms /
And girl we all smell great, wearing Joop! perfume

The Spoiled Taco Scowl
Oh, wow, that’s just GREAT Now my taco is SPOILed He said with a SCOWL -From Wordle Puzzle 12/17/2024