American Idol – First Three

I’ve been having an effing blast the past few weeks watching auditions and Hollywood week on American Idol, and thank the lord it’s finally time for us Americans to call the shots. Woohoo! Of course, after last night’s performance of “Hero”, Danny was a shoe-in for the top 12 – he’s without a doubt the only one I would have voted for (though I should have called in for Anoop, now that I think about it…). That said, I would never have predicted that Alexis and Michael would have rounded out the picks for the week though, that was quite the surprise and put me in at 1 for 3 in my picks for the week.

Week One

You know, I have to say that as obnoxious as Tatiana was (and how freakin’ strange she was acting this week), I thought she would get voted through based on the fact that she kinda can sing well, and her silly antics were provided for some laughs. Hell, they voted Sanjaya through a few seasons ago, we need another awkward nutjob in the mix this season! And how about Anoop Dogg losing out to Michael? I swear I’ll renounce my title as Idol Master if he doesn’t get a wildcard spot.

So the Inkwaste American Idol Pool is a few weeks away from challenging my friends and family with the task of forseeing the next winner. There’s a mini-pool going on right now that I’m going to build a website for soon (which will become the site for the main pool as soon as the final 12 are picked), so keep an eye out for that.

On a related note (in that I’m about to talk about another tv show that’s on Wednesdays) I gotta say that this is one of the best seasons of LOST ever! Time travel? Returning to the Island? Eff yeah! I just wish I could watch them all in a row like I did for season 1 (even though it means not leaving the couch for those 20 or so hours…). I really can’t wait for next week’s episode detailing the antics of Locke on the mainland! Oh yeah, and Battlestar Galactica is kicking ass as well!

Alright amigos, I’m off to bed. Remember that next week Idol is on Wednesday and Thursday…stay tuned for more of my amazing (but usually wrong) picks for the top 12!

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